Pepins Trading Model

Trading at Pepins takes place at predetermined periods; either annually, half yearly, quarterly or monthly depending on the company (see our trading calendar here for more information). A company’s trading frequency is listed on their companies page on Pepins.

A trading period always starts on a Wednesday and continues until the following Monday. The trade is open Wednesday-Friday and Monday between 9:00 and 16:00, but it is possible to place an order outside of these hours during the trading period. Read more in step by step below.

As a buyer or seller, you place your orders directly via the trading page. At the end of a trading period, statistics are published on our site and notes are sent out. All notes are available for download under My Pepins. Commission varies depending on the company. For more information on the specific company, see their companies page on Pepins.

For more information on the trading process, please contact us [email protected] or +468-673 17 90.

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Trade with open price
Trade day 1-2 (Wed 09.00 - Thur 16.00)
All orders may be adjusted under “My Pepins”. The share price has not yet been fixed.
Trade at fixed price
Trade day 3-4 (Fri 09.00 - Mon 16.00)
Share price is fixed and all trade is according to the fixed price. All sell orders are binding. Buy orders may be adjusted up until 16:00 on Friday. Both sell- and buy orders may be increased.
Day 4
Distribution of shares amongst buyers and sellers after 16:00. Priority is given to the orders that were placed prior to the price being fixed, in phase 1.

Trade with open price

During day 1 and 2, all members on Pepins can place an order and participate in trade. Buyers and sellers may choose the price they wish to buy/sell for. The price is then fixed by Pepins in phase 2, primarily based on the orders received. To participate in trade on Pepins, you do not have to place an order during phase one but can also wait until phase 2 when the price has been fixed. However, placing an order during phase 1 will give you priority when the shares are being distributed. Evidently, you do not have to sell at a lower price- or buy for a higher price than what you have indicated in your order. You may adjust or cancel your order under “My Pepins”.

If you place an order with a price that deviates from the fixed price*, your order will automatically be removed. If this occurs, Pepins will contact you via email, offering to place a new order to the fixed price.

*A sell order with a price higher than the fixed price, or a buy order with a price lower than the fixed price.

Trade at fixed price

During day 3 and 4, the prices have been fixed and all orders are placed at the fixed price. All sell orders are binding, and all buy orders are binding from 16:00. All orders may still be adjusted to increased volume throughout the trading period.


Shares are distributed as long as supply and demand allows when the trading period has closed on day 4 (Monday 16:00). Confirmation of the transaction will be sent to both buyers and sellers per email, and a transaction note can be downloaded under “My Pepins” .

Pepins Sweden AB - and thereby also stock trading - is in accordance with the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority.

Pepins act as a counterpart in each transaction, in accordance with the permission “Trading for own account”.

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